Licensing representations and complaints

Object to a licence application or complain about a licensed premises

In this section

Make a representation

You can object to a licence application, known as making a representation, if you feel the licence may lead to:

  • increased crime and disorder - any crime, disorder or anti-social behaviour at the premises including breach of licensing conditions and illegal working. Please note, a criminal offence should always be reported to the police.
  • public nuisance -  including noise, light pollution, odour or litter.
  • harm to children - a premises should be protecting children from harm, which could be moral, physical or psychological. Children should also be protected from the activities carried out on the premises, such as the sale of alcohol, adult entertainment or gambling, and exposure to strong/expletive language.
  • problems with the safety of the public on the premises – including fire safety, building safety, first aid, overcrowding as well as any accident or incident where someone gets hurt.

Any member of the public, responsible authority or other organisation, such as schools and residents’ associations, can make representations. You can ask a third party, such as a ward councillor or lawyer to make a representation on your behalf. You do not need to be in close proximity to the premises in question to comment on a licence application.

For representations to new licence applications and full variations to an existing licence, you have 28 days to make representations. For minor variations to an existing licence, the time limit is 10 working days.

You cannot comment on:

  • personal licences
  • applications to change the designated premises supervisor of a premises
  • applications to transfer a premises licence
  • temporary event notices

If you have concerns about an application for one of the above, contact

Make a representation

For guidance on making a representation please view our simple user guide (PDF)

Make a representation (online)Make a representation (PDF)

Send your completed form to

Alternatively, you can post or drop your completed form in by hand to:

Licensing Team
Three Rivers House

If you are applying on behalf of a group, you must include evidence of the unanimity of the group’s opinion with your application, such as minutes from a meeting.

What happens next

After we receive your representation, we will notify you of whether your comments have been accepted or rejected.

If your representation is rejected, you can resubmit your comments provided the consultation period has not expired, but there is no right of appeal.

If your representation is accepted, our licensing team will arrange a hearing in front of the licensing sub-committee. Your name and address will be disclosed to the licence applicant in the report to the licencing sub-committee, which is a public document. If you wish to withhold your personal details, please contact We can only offer this in exceptional circumstances.

We will write to you about the hearing with details of the steps the licensing sub-committee will take to decide whether to grant the application. If you wish to speak at the meeting or provide more information, you will need to return a form no later than five working days before the hearing.

At the hearing, all parties can put their case to the licensing sub-committee and discuss conditions that may be attached to the licence.

After the hearing

If you disagree with the decision of the licensing sub-committee, you can appeal to a magistrates’ court within 21 days of the decision. There is no right of appeal against a decision for a minor variation.