Three Rivers remains a top recycler in England

Newly released government figures show Three Rivers District Council is one of the top performing authorities in England for household recycling – standing at 61.5% in 2022/23.
The district, which has held the top rate for two years, has consistently been recognised by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) as being one of the leading local authorities in England for high household recycling rates for more than 10 years.
In the latest figures published by Defra on Thursday, 1 February, the district recorded a recycling rate of 61.5% in 2022/23, which is the second highest in the league tables for English councils’ recycling rates. South Oxford District Council narrowly came first with 61.6% just 0.1% ahead of Three Rivers
Not only has Three Rivers continued to maintain its position as one of the best recyclers in the country it has also significantly reduced its residual household waste per household from 359.6kg to 318.2kg.
Defra collates recycling performance data from all local authorities on an annual basis. Three Rivers was at the top of the league in 2021/22 and 2019/20 and had the third-highest recycling rate overall in 2020/21.
Cllr Paul Rainbow, Lead Member for Public Services – which includes waste and recycling, said: “As a council, we take enormous pride in being one of the top local authorities in England for household recycling. This is credit to our amazing residents who understand of the importance of recycling and support it with their actions and our dedicated and professional staff who work tirelessly to ensure bins are collected, contamination is avoided and the importance of this work is regularly communicated.
“Without them, we wouldn’t have these fantastic consistent results. We recognise and thank our residents and staff for ensuring our sustainability and recycling ethos echoes throughout the district and we hope will be heard across the country.”
Cllr Sarah Nelmes, Leader of Three Rivers District Council, said: “A rush of pride always overwhelms me when I see that Three Rivers remains one of the top recycling areas in England each year. Our residents and staff deserve a massive round of applause for all their efforts and ongoing dedication.
“I am incredibly pleased that there has been a significant reduction in household waste produced overall, showing just how dedicated our residents are to living more sustainably and working with us to achieve the district’s 2045 net-zero carbon target.”
Click here to find out more about how you can reduce your waste.
Click here to find out what happens to your recycling once it’s collected.
To check what you can and can’t recycle at home, click here.
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