Three Rivers raises the Commonwealth Flag
Three Rivers Chairman, Paula Hiscocks and Leader of the Council, Sara Bedford raised the Commonwealth flag at Three Rivers House today.
Three Rivers Chairman, Paula Hiscocks and Leader of the Council, Sara Bedford raised the Commonwealth flag at Three Rivers House today.
The event took place at 9.30am at Three Rivers House, the council offices, marking Commonwealth Day.
Cllr Paula Hiscocks said: “This year the theme is ‘Delivering A Common Future’, highlighting how the countries in the Commonwealth family are working together to provide better lives and opportunities for our people, but also to protect our planet and have regard for its natural resources.
“I hope that in the year ahead this diverse family of nations can achieve the much-needed progress which our planet so desperately needs and that Nations of all religions and cultures can respect and live peacefully together.”
Global national flag-raising ceremonies are taking place across the world today. Being brought together, through Commonwealth friendship and cooperation, raising awareness of all being achieved.
By working together within our local communities, and by interacting globally, we maintain and build a richer connected Commonwealth that is mutually respectful, peaceful, and prosperous.
A community that cherishes equality of opportunity and inclusiveness.
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