Public has say on vision for new developments across Three Rivers district
More than 2,500 responses have been received sharing views on the crucial plan for potential developments across Three Rivers district over fifteen years.MORE than 2,500 responses have been received sharing views on the crucial plan for potential developments across Three Rivers district over fifteen years.
More than 2,500 responses have been received sharing views on the crucial plan for potential developments across Three Rivers district over fifteen years.
The Local Plan considers the need for new homes and jobs alongside associated infrastructure such as shops, community facilities, transport, open space, sport and recreation, health and education facilities.
Three Rivers District Council’s Local Plan sets out a vision for future development of the area until 2038. The draft plan was opened for public consultation from 11 June 2021 to 23 July 2021, and extended until 20 August.
All councils in England are legally required by the government to plan for future population growth and demand for housing. The number of homes required to be planned for over the plan period is set by the government using a standard calculation. This equates to 630 dwellings a year for Three Rivers.
Cllr Sarah Nelmes, the Leader of Three Rivers District Council, said: “We want to strike a balance between providing the affordable homes needed for our local families and future generations along with protecting our environment and much needed open spaces.
“We have worked hard to find and use any brownfield land and land within existing built-up areas, in order to protect our green belt—but the housing figures are so great that we will be forced by the national guidelines to allocate green belt sites. We would of course welcome any suggestions from the public for where new homes could be built without using the green belt.
“The feedback from local communities, residents’ groups, town and parish councils and all others is vital to ensure our Local Plan does indeed strike that all important balance. We will listen to what people have said, and where we can, ensure our local plan reflects that.”
Following consideration of the public feedback, amendments will be made where appropriate and the council may seek to remove more sites or add new ones depending on what suggestions come forward. There will be a further round of public consultation before the plan is submitted to government's planning inspectorate for independent examination and approval or rejection.
The council will keep residents fully informed of the next steps and the timetable so everyone can have their say
Once a Local Plan is approved by the government, it will be used to assess all proposed development in the district. The plan will cover sustainability, a key priority in line with the council’s Climate Emergency strategy. Applications for all new development will need to show that they produce at least 20 per cent less carbon dioxide emissions than the current building regulations require.
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