Get inspired and get active in Three Rivers
Residents of Three Rivers who want to live healthy lives are invited to take part in a free programme to help them overcome barriers to physical activity.
Residents of Three Rivers who want to live healthy lives are invited to take part in a free programme to help them overcome barriers to physical activity.
The Active Watford and Three Rivers programme - part funded by Three Rivers District Council – is in its fourth year of supporting the community. The programme is designed to support individuals who are classified as physically inactive (undertaking less than 30 minutes of physical activity per week), to help with their motivation, and to overcome their barriers to physical activity and become more active.
Cllr Chris Lloyd, the council’s Lead Member for Leisure, said: “By exercising regularly and maintaining healthy eating, people can feel better and reduce their risk of long term health conditions. This scheme is a great way of helping with the motivation to make that happen, and I urge anyone interested to take the first step to a healthy lifestyle and try the Active Watford and Three Rivers programme out.”
The programme supports clients through face to face consultations, delivered by Health and Wellbeing specialists for up to a year. During the initial consultation individuals will look at why they would like to become active, what barriers they might face, establish goals and create a personalised action plan. As part of this process, a consultation will look at what activities or sports the client will enjoy so that they can be signposted on to local sports clubs, exercise classes, leisure centres, gyms or community exercise programmes based on their needs.
Since the launch of the programme 96% of clients were registered as active after three months (taking part in 150+ mins of physical activity a week) and 86% of clients were still registered as active after six months on the scheme. In total over 900 individuals have benefited from the service with overall attendees reporting huge improvements with their mental health including 112% increase in people’s happiness ratings.
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