Planning permission to support military capability at the Ministry of Defence Headquarters, Northwood

The Ministry of Defence (MOD) intends to carry out the comprehensive upgrading and redevelopment at its Headquarters in Northwood. This is to provide offices and work spaces, living accommodation, and other facilities, including car parking, for the purpose of national defence.

The planned work aims to ensure the continued military capability of the site and in accordance with the Ministry of Defence’s responsibility to maintain and upgrade its built estate. The work will be carried out by Contractors on behalf of the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) and UK Strategic Command.

Because parts of the upgrading and redevelopment of the Site constitutes development, as defined in the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, planning permission is required.

The Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government laid a Special Development Order in Parliament on 15 January 2025. This grants planning permission, subject to conditions, for certain broad classes of development for national defence purposes at the Northwood Headquarters.

The planning permission which comes into force on 5 February 2025, is for the exclusive benefit of the Secretary of State for Defence to deliver his vital, sensitive and nationally important projects.

The Town and Country Planning (Northwood Headquarters) Special Development Order 2025 (SI 2025 No 37) can be found here: The Town and Country Planning (Northwood Headquarters) Special Development Order 2025.

An Explanatory Memorandum accompanies the Special Development Order. This provides an explanation of the effect of the legislation and why it is necessary.

The site headquarters will act as the focus for local enquires, with relevant government departments advising as necessary. Relevant enquiries should be submitted to Further documentation relating to the Special Development Order will be available on the Special Development Order website in due course.

Special Development Orders

Special Development Orders are a long-established part of the planning system.

Section 59 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 allows a Secretary of State to grant planning permission using a Special Development Order. This is instead of a planning application being submitted to, and being decided by, a local planning authority.

A Special Development Order usually details the development permitted and the land to which the permission applies, together with any conditions and limitations that apply to the planning consent.

The decision to consider the use of a Special Development Order to grant planning permission is taken after considering the merits of each case.

The decision to make a Special Development Order involves the same considerations as any other planning proposal i.e. a proper and impartial consideration of the planning merits of the proposed development.