
See details about the Right to Build register and the brownfield land register

In this section

Right to Build Register

The Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 places a duty on planning authorities to maintain and publicise a register of people seeking to acquire land to build a home in the authority’s area.

We use this register to assess the demand for custom- and self-build properties in Three Rivers District so we can provide for self-build and custom housebuilding opportunities in our local plan.

Signing the register does not guarantee that a suitable plot will be identified or become available.

The Right to Build register is made up of two parts:

Part 1 measures local demand for self-build and custom housebuilding. We are required to grant sufficient development permissions for serviced plots of land to meet local demand.

Part 2 measures the general demand for self-build and custom housebuilding. We are not required to grant sufficient development permissions for serviced plots of land to meet general demand.

Local connection test

You must meet certain eligibility criteria to be added to Part 1 of the Right to Build register. To qualify, one of the following must apply to you:

  • You have been a continuous resident of the district for a minimum of two years before the date of your application
  • You are permanently employed in the district and work for a minimum of 16 hours per week (if this employment ceases the individual/association is no longer eligible)
  • You have close family (parents, siblings or children) living in the district on the date of your application and have done so continuously for 10 years or more
  • You are currently in the service of the regular Armed Forces of the Crown (within the meaning of section 374 of the Armed Forces Act 2006)
  • You were previously in the service of the regular Armed Forces of the Crown (within the meaning of section 374 of the Armed Forces Act 2006) and left no more than five years ago

If you do not meet one of the above requirements, you may still be eligible to be added to Part 2 of the register, provided that all other eligibility requirements in the regulations are met.

Apply to join the register

To register your details (as an individual or group/association) for a self- or custom-build plot, download and complete the relevant application form:

Send your completed application form to or post it to:

Economic & Sustainable Development
Three Rivers District Council
Three Rivers House

You must provide evidence of residency or employment with your application, such as utility bills, Council Tax statements or a letter of confirmation from an employer.

For persons in current or past service of the regular Armed Forces of the Crown, we require evidence of current service or past service (including the date of leaving service).

For associations of individuals, information must be provided for each individual.

After we receive your application, we will assess the information provided and confirm in writing if you are eligible to join the register. We may refuse an application if appropriate supporting documentation is not provided.


There is a fee of £230 for entry onto Parts 1 or 2 of the register. You will subsequently need to pay an annual fee of £201 to remain on Part 1 of the register after one year (there is no annual fee for Part 2).

Pay your Right to Build register fee

The entry fee of £230 is payable within 28 days of a successful application. If payment is not made within 28 days of confirmation of entry, the individual will be removed from the register.