
View our Housing Action Plan, Annual Monitoring Reports and Housing Land Supply Updates

Housing Delivery Test Action Plan

The Housing Delivery Test is an annual measure of housing delivery that compares the total net number of homes delivered against the number of homes required. As our Core Strategy was adopted in 2011, it is now considered out of date. This means that the Housing Delivery Test calculation was made against the government’s local housing need figures, resulting in a significant increase from the Core Strategy’s target of 180 dwellings per year.

The change to the calculation meant we were retrospectively judged against a target we were not aware of at the time the Local Plan target was being set.

Consequently, Three Rivers scored 46% in the Housing Delivery Test Result published by the Secretary of State in January 2022.  In response to this, we produced a Housing Delivery Test Action Plan to respond positively to the challenge of increasing our housing delivery.

The Action Plan analyses the reasons for the under-delivery of new homes and sets out actions to improve housing delivery within the district. The actions identified in the Action Plan aim to stimulate delivery. However, action will also be required by others, particularly landowners, housebuilders and registered providers, to respond to this challenge and significantly increase the level of house-building.

View the Three Rivers Action Plan 2022 (PDF).

Annual Monitoring Reports

We are required to produce an Annual Monitoring Report that reviews the implementation of Local Plan against the milestones set out in the Local Development Scheme and assesses the performance of policies.

Monitoring reports can be downloaded below:

Annual Monitoring Report 2022-2023 (PDF, 1.1 MB)
Annual Monitoring Report 2021–2022 (PDF, 1.4 MB)
Annual Monitoring Report 2020–2021 (PDF, 1.4 MB)
Annual Monitoring Report 2019–2020 (PDF, 1.2 MB)
Annual Monitoring Report 2018–2019 (PDF, 1.4 MB)
Annual Monitoring Report 2017–2018 (PDF, 1.2 MB)
Annual Monitoring Report 2016–2017 (PDF, 1.1 MB)
Annual Monitoring Report 2015–2016 (PDF, 868 KB)
Annual Monitoring Report 2014–2015 (PDF, 1.3 MB)
Annual Monitoring Report 2013–2014 (PDF, 1.2 MB)
Annual Monitoring Report 2012–2013 (PDF, 1.8 MB)
Annual Monitoring Report 2011–2012 (PDF, 1.8 MB)
Annual Monitoring Report 2010–2011 (PDF, 1.8 MB)

Housing Land Supply Update

We produce a Housing Land Supply Update that assesses the housing supply in the district against the housing requirement set out in our adopted strategic policies.

Housing land supply updates can be downloaded below:

Three Rivers Housing Land Supply 2023 Update (PDF)

Three Rivers Housing Land Supply 2022 Update (PDF)
Three Rivers Housing Land Supply 2021 Update (PDF, 453 KB)
Three Rivers Housing Land Supply 2020 Update (PDF, 511 KB)
Three Rivers Housing Land Supply 2019 Update (PDF, 614 KB)
Three Rivers Housing Land Supply 2018 Update (PDF, 569 KB)
Three Rivers Housing Land Supply 2017 Update (PDF, 437 KB)
Three Rivers Housing Land Supply 2016 Update (PDF, 401 KB)
Three Rivers Housing Land Supply 2015 Update (PDF, 460 KB)
Three Rivers Housing Land Supply 2014 Update (PDF, 313 KB)