
Find out about listed buildings, conservation areas and the Historic Buildings Grant Scheme

In this section

Listed buildings

A listed building is a building that has been identified as having special architectural or historical interest. There are 350 listed buildings and structures in Three Rivers District.

Listed buildings have special statutory building protections. If you wish to carry out works on a listed building that affects its significance, you must first obtain Listed Building Consent.

A full list of listed properties in Three Rivers District is available on the Historic England website. You can also check whether a particular building is listed on our Planning Online System.

Locally important buildings

We maintain a list of locally important buildings that may not meet the criteria to be listed but that still have local architectural or historic importance.

See a list of locally important buildings using the Interactive Policies Map.

Alternatively, please view the documents below:

Abbots Langley Local List (PDF)
Chorleywood Local List (PDF)
Croxley Green Local List (PDF)
Moor Park and Eastbury Local List (PDF)
Rickmansworth Local List - 1 (PDF)
Rickmansworth Local List - 2 (PDF)
Sarratt Local List - 1 (PDF)
Sarratt Local List - 2 (PDF)

Locally important buildings do not have the same statutory protections as listed buildings. For example, permission is not needed to demolish a locally important building unless it is in a conservation area or subject to an Article 4 Direction.

The purpose of including buildings on the locally important list is to prevent alterations, extensions or other works requiring planning permission from negatively affecting the character or appearance of the building.

View the criteria for additions to the list of locally important buildings (PDF).

Archaeological sites of importance

Archaeological remains of national importance may be protected by ‘scheduling’ under the provisions of the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 (as amended). This protection is similar to the protection for listed buildings.

Before carrying out works on an archaeological site of importance, contact us for advice at enquiries@threerivers.gov.uk.

Historic parks and gardens

A registered park and garden is one which appears on English Heritage’s Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest. The main purpose of the Register is to celebrate and protect designed landscapes of note. There is one historic park and garden in Three Rivers District.

Registered parks and gardens do not have the same statutory building protections as listed buildings. Instead, registration means that special consideration is given to the landscape in the planning process.