Licensing policies and consultations

Three Rivers District Council licensing policies and information about current consultations

Licensing policies

Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy 2022 (PDF, 2.1 MB)

Statement of Licensing Policy 2021–2026 (PDF)

Gambling Policy 2022–2025 (PDF)

Street Trading Policy (PDF)

Licensing consultations

We carry out consultations on our policies to allow residents and businesses to have their say.

Current consultations

Statement of Gambling Principles and Policy 2025-2028 consultation

Three Rivers District Council invites comments on the review for its ‘Statement of Gambling Principles and Policy 2025-2028’ including consideration into adopting a ‘No Casino Resolution’.

The Licensing Authority would like to hear your views on the Policy by 30 August 2024 otherwise we may not be able to consider them.

The policy and relevant documents can be viewed on our Have Your Say platform. Follow the link below to have your say.

Have your say

Recent consultations

Please click on the links below for more information on our recent consultations:

Licensing fee review

Consultation on the designation of streets in regards to street trading

Street Trading Policy 2022-2025 consultation