Three Rivers Waste Collections Update

Updated: 27 March 2020

The Council has been forced to make a number of difficult decisions around the collection of waste, during the coronavirus lockdown period.

Three Rivers District Council has been forced to make a number of difficult decisions around the collection of waste, during the coronavirus lockdown period.  These will ensure that best use is made of refuse and recycling crew members who are still able to work, as a number are ill or self-isolating.

Garden waste collections will be suspended from the end of today, 27 March, as garden waste materials are not hazardous if left for longer than two weeks and can still be home-composted. We are asking all residents to place their food waste into the refuse bins at the current time. The refuse bins will remain fortnightly and follow the published collection calendar.

The recycling bins will also be emptied fortnightly, alternating with the refuse, so the first recycling week will take place during the week commencing 6 April (Week B on the collection calendar).

The Council has also been forced to suspend the collection of bulky waste and regular street sweeping.

The situation will be kept under review and advertised on our website and social media channels accordingly.

Cllr Sara Bedford, Leader of Three Rivers District Council, said “Our front-line crews have been working exceptionally hard at this difficult time. I would like to thank residents for the praise and positive comments that they have given to the crews.

“Whilst we appreciate these changes are not ideal, we need to ensure that we can continue to collect as much waste as possible from households.  Please can you wash your hands before putting your bins out, and again afterwards, to help us protect our vital work force.”

Collection calendars can be viewed at:

There is lots of advice about home composting at  and information about limiting food waste at .