Three Rivers residents encouraged to cut down air pollution as part of Clean Air Day

Three Rivers residents, schools, businesses, and communities are being encouraged to get involved to be part of a national campaign to reduce air pollution.
National Clean Air Day takes place today (Thursday, 15 June) and highlights the devastating effects of air pollution and highlights the positive and practical work people and communities have taken to reduce it.
The 'let’s clear the air’ campaign if part of the national event and highlights some of the simple, small actions we can all take to protect ourselves and our loved ones from air pollution.
Residents, schools, businesses, and communities are being urged to take action on Clean Air Day, whether that’s individual actions found on the Clean Air Hub or through group activities like anti-idling events.
Three Rivers District Council Leader Sarah Nelmes said: “Air pollution is a serious public health issue that affects everybody. As a council, we have a responsibility to tackle air pollution by raising awareness and taking action for the welfare of our district and residents.
“We are encouraging everyone who lives, works, and visits the district to think about how they are contributing to air pollution to make one small change, such as to stop idling.
“This is when a vehicle's engine is left running while it is stationary. Despite the vehicle not moving, idling produces toxic chemicals and Carbon Dioxide, not only contributing to climate change but also impacting our health.
“You can stop idling by simply turning your engine off, such as when you are picking up or dropping off your children at school.
“National Clean Air Day provides an opportunity to spread awareness of the impacts of air pollution as well as support employers, communities, schools, and individuals to get involved and reduce air pollution.”
There are plenty of ways you can get involved. Visit the Clean Air Day page here to find out more.
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