Three Rivers eats, drinks and wears Fairtrade
On Saturday 23 February the Three Rivers community was officially awarded Fairtrade status by the Fairtrade Foundation.
On Saturday 23 February the Three Rivers community was officially awarded Fairtrade status by the Fairtrade Foundation.
This award means the district has been recognised as an area where shops, catering outlets, businesses, schools, places of worship, community organisations and the local authority actively support the sale and use of Fairtrade products. Products certified with the Fairtrade mark guarantee a fair price to producers in the developing world, plus an extra premium that is invested in projects to help develop their communities.
The Three Rivers Fairtrade Steering Group made the application to the Fairtrade Foundation on behalf of the district, with official support from Three Rivers District Council (TRDC). Chair of the group, Jane Brading, said:
"By supporting Fairtrade we can all make a positive difference. We are very pleased that Three Rivers has joined the growing movement of Fairtrade communities. This award shows that people throughout our district want to be sure that the growers of the products they buy receive a fair price and have decent working conditions."
Chairman of TRDC Councillor Amrit Mediratta, who supported the application on behalf of the District Council, said:
"We are delighted that the community in Three Rivers has been recognised for its efforts to help support farmers and producers in the developing world. There are now over 3000 Fairtrade certified products available on the market, from coffee to clothing, so we can all do our bit to help ensure a sustainable future for disadvantaged communities in developing countries."
The award of Fairtrade status comes as the national Fairtrade Fortnight (25 Feb - 9 March) kicks off around the country. Each year the Fortnight launches a campaign aimed at increasing awareness of the Fairtrade mark among consumers. For more information on Fairtrade Fortnight visit .
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