Three Rivers Chairman visits The Tin Church
Phil Williams, Chairman of Three Rivers District Council, visits the Church of the Ascension (The Tin Church) in Bedmond
Residents of Bedmond Village and the wider Abbots Langley Parish were delighted to welcome Phil Williams, Chairman of Three Rivers District Council, to the Church of the Ascension (The Tin Church) in Bedmond for their monthly coffee morning.
The Tin Church is unique. It was erected from a Victorian flat-pack as a mission church, destined to be sent to the colonies in 1880. Luckily, it was saved for Bedmond Village. Now 130 years later, with the wider congregation’s enthusiasm, it is in excellent shape and flourishing as the hub of the community.
Cllr Williams said: “Faith plays an important role in many people’s lives and gives them a sense of belonging. Thus, I have recently given the church a grant to help with building of a ramp for easier access for people with wheelchairs and parents with prams and buggies. I am delighted to have had the opportunity to visit, talk to local people and learn about their local issues. I look forward to my next invitation.”
The residents were particularly interested in meeting him as he was recently elected as their County Councillor.
The Church of the Ascension, locally called ‘The Tin Church,’ has been hosting monthly coffee mornings over many years. With the hard work and sincere interest of the church and village committees, it has become a focus bringing the community together and encompassing those who join them from further afield. The popular coffee mornings are held on the first Wednesday of each month from 10am to noon, except for January 2019.
Cllr Joy Mann added: “The Church has retained its primary purpose for religious worship, and under the auspices of the Bedmond Village Task Force, it plays host to numerous community activities throughout the year.”
Wendy Ball, Parish Church Council member, said: “Recently the Church has founded ‘The Friends of the Tin Church’ to raise its profile and to make some money to maintain the magnificent Victorian Gothic building. This has got off to a flying start with many successful events held during its first year.”
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