Three Rivers and Chorleywood House Estate working in Partnership
Chorleywood House Estate is special is because of the Friends of Chorleywood House Estate who meet twice a month to undertake a variety of projects
Chorleywood House Estate is special is because of the Friends of Chorleywood House Estate who meet twice a month to undertake a variety of projects. Recent projects have included planting native bulbs and establishing a wildflower area that attracts hundreds of insects every year, keeping nettles at bay so families can continue to picnic by the river, maintaining the Sunken Garden for all to enjoy and keeping scrub under control in an area of rare chalk grassland.
Doug King, Chair of the Friends of Chorleywood House Estate, said: "The Friends of Chorleywood House Estate enjoy helping to make the Estate such a lovely area for people to visit. We are thrilled that the Estate is so highly appreciated and we are looking forward to the projects we'll be carrying out in 2019 - and of course the cake and coffee! We're always delighted to be joined by new volunteers to the group, and we can assure them of a warm welcome."
Some of the larger projects have included refurbishing the ornamental pond in front of the main house - not only was it resealed and planted with water lilies it also provided a new home to some of the many goldfish that had to be removed from Chorleywood Common. The Friends have also worked with a local chainsaw artist to create a number of animal’s carvings in the trees which is now a very popular visitor attraction with something to discover in every hidden corner.
The Friends meet on the first and third Tuesday of each month and work from 9:30am to 12:30pm. They don't have to come to every session, just as and when they can. All of the hard work is rewarded with plenty of coffee and cake as well as the chance for networking with the other volunteers. No experience is needed, just plenty of enthusiasm!
Cllr Chris Lloyd, Lead Member for Leisure, said: "Three Rivers District Council has an invaluable partnership with the Friends of Chorleywood House Estate. We all know being outdoors is good for us but the Friends have the added benefit of getting some exercise as well as completing a satisfying project. I would like to thank all those who have given their time in 2018. The Council encourages anyone who has some spare time and interest in the outdoors to try a taster session."
If you would like to know more, please contact Tim Venner on 01923 284320 or email
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