Residents invited to borrow equipment for community litter picks

Help keep Three Rivers clean this spring by taking part in the district council's community litter picking scheme.
Residents can lead their own litter picks with borrowed equipment by signing up to Three Rivers District Council’s scheme.
The council is encouraging people to organise litter picks throughout the year, to help keep local area clean. Residents and organisations can borrow the equipment from the council, and officers will collect the litter afterwards from pre-arranged collection points.
At least 60% of what is dropped as litter is recyclable. When litter-picking, the council encourages volunteers separate recycling from general rubbish, such as plastic bottles, drink cans and cartons.
Cllr Jon Tankard, lead member of Environmental Services, Climate Change, and Sustainability said, “The efforts of our residents have been essential in the upkeep of our district. The equipment lending service helps give our residents the power to make a difference in our district.”
Litter picking volunteers are advised to work in small groups of two to three volunteers. More information for volunteers can be found on the online form that must be filled in order to borrow equipment and organise a litter collection.
Volunteers are advised to treat hazardous material with caution. Volunteers should not remove these items, instead they should note the location and report it to Three Rivers District Council for specialist removal:
· Broken glass
· Drug related litter/hypodermics
· Suspect materials including items that are possibly dangerous such as unknown liquids in containers, building materials or asbestos
· Fly tipping. If there is any doubt about an item, leave it, and report it to the Council
Litter picking volunteers also can win prizes through LitterLotto, which rewards you for getting rid of your litter responsibly through spot prizes and guaranteed monthly jackpots.
Find out more about community litter picking and getting involved in Litterlotto.
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