New parking bays have been installed in Abbots Langley

A shopping parade in Abbots Langley has been supported with 12 additional parking bays after works were recently completed.
Three Rivers District Council’s civil engineering contractor, Murrill, has reconfigured the parking provision in School Mead to introduce new hard-surfaced bays that will help alleviate parking pressures for shoppers and businesses.
The land is owned by Watford Community Housing Trust and has worked with the council to reduce the parking pressure, leading to the creation of the additional bays.
Time restrictions are to be imposed on the new parking bays shortly (subject to consultation) and will operate Monday to Friday 8am to 6.30pm. The Traffic Regulation Order will be the subject of public consultation with local residents and businesses.
Alongside the revamped bays, the knee railings were replaced with 32 timber bollards. Other works have improved the layout of the existing parking bays and have resulted in an overall improvement to the parking provision in the area.
Cllr Stephen Giles-Medhurst, Leader of Three Rivers District Council, said: “These new parking bays result in additional parking bays for the shopping parade and will be restricted in due course via a Traffic Regulation Order to encourage short-term churn to allow visitors to visit the shopping parade. Previously, long term parking has been allowed in the vicinity which resulted in drivers parking their cars for long periods limiting the ability for parking for shop visitors. The new parking bays and restrictions seek to rectify this and give a real boost for local businesses.”
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