Early indications show residents back Three Rivers Local Plan

Initial findings of the latest consultation on Three Rivers District Council’s draft Local Plan indicate strong support from residents for the lower housing growth option.
The Local Plan is proposing 4,852 dwellings over the next 18 years as opposed to the government’s 11,466 housing target to meet the district’s population and economic growth.
A Local Plan guides decisions on future development proposals for thousands of new homes and associated infrastructure and employment to meet its future economic and population needs of a district.
The consultation on the council’s lower housing growth option received over 1,000 replies. Early indications show that almost 90% support the council’s position. Officers continue to review and analyse the results - which are still subject to change.
The council’s stance has also been backed by the Three Rivers Joint Residents’ Association, representing 22 residents’ groups and the Herts branch for the council for Protection of Rural England and the campaign group “Can’t Replace Green Space”.
Three Rivers Deputy Leader and Lead Member of Planning Policy and Economic Development, Cllr Stephen Giles-Medhurst, said: “The consultation shows very strong support for the council’s approach and indeed support for the sites we have suggested for limited new development over the next 18 years as well as rejecting others that could harm the green belt.
“It should be noted that the consultation is not a vote, and the volume of support or objections will be weighed up against other planning matters by a government appointed Inspector at a public inquiry to whom we must present the final plan for approval.
“We are now pushing ahead with a shorten time scale to get the final plan, along with the numerous supporting documents, submitted early next year.”
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