It’s all happening at Leavesden Country Park
Following on from a successful Heritage Lottery Funding Bid a great deal of work has been going on in Leavesden Country Park
The Woodlands Café has opened its doors and is serving a wide range of refreshments, the Leavesden Cycle Hub is open and providing a full cycle repair service and children’s cycle training, the Park Ranger is delivering a range of nature activities for the community and educational activities for schools.
Work on the Leavesden HIVE (Heritage, Information, Volunteers, Education) is complete and will be open to the public from the new year. This building provides a base for the activities planned, a meeting point for the ‘Friends of’ Leavesden Country Park and local Historical Societies, a focal point for the Heritage and wildlife activities throughout the year.
Already in place and continuing over the coming years is an extensive and varied activity programme ranging from Tai Chi and Mindful Nordic Walking to Wildflower Identification and Heritage themed events for the local community.
Leader of the Council, Sara Bedford, said: “We are delighted with all the work done so far and excited about the Heritage Trail of nine sculpture pieces due to be installed early next year and the restoration and conservation work which continues to take place throughout the park.”
Cllr Chris Lloyd, Lead Member for Leisure added: “It’s great to see so many people enjoying the wide range of activities and the opportunities of engaging with and appreciating the history of this site which is so important to the local community.”
Three Rivers District Council would like to thank all their valued partners in the journey to achieve this exciting and innovative project, in particular, the National Lottery players without whom this great work would not have been possible.
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