Have your say on plan that will help shape future of Sarratt

Residents are invited to take part in a public consultation on an important planning document that will help shape future development within the Sarratt Parish.
The draft Sarratt Neighbourhood Plan has been produced by Sarratt Parish Council and local residents in order to create a document that provides policies that can help shape development and support future growth.
Neighbourhood plans allow communities to develop a shared vision for their specific areas, giving more control over the type, location, size and design of development. It does not allocate sites for housing.
Sarratt Parish Council and local residents have worked on the draft neighbourhood plan for four years and have submitted it to Three Rivers District Council. As the local planning authority, the district council is required to hold a public consultation.
All comments should be submitted by 5pm Tuesday 8 August. Click here to have your say.
Once the consultation is completed, the draft plan will be submitted to an independent examiner to see if it meets the basic conditions and suggest any changes.
The next and final stage would then be a parish-wide local referendum to gauge local support, and if more than 50% of participants vote ‘yes’ then the district council will be asked to formally adopt the plan.
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