Have your say on council’s five-year cultural strategy

Residents are invited to have their say on the district council’s five-year cultural strategy that will help define and celebrate the rich culture of Three Rivers.
An online survey has been launched by Three Rivers District Council for locals to express what the word culture means to the community, what particular places they visit, activities they take part in or traditions they cherish. The local authority is also keen to hear what obstacles people might face in accessing cultural provision locally or across the wider district.
Results from the consultation, which is open until Friday 22 November, will feed into the creation of the five-year cultural strategy that will help grow and support the culture sector in Three Rivers.
Elaine Johnson, Culture and Heritage Officer, said: “Culture can be a difficult word to define. It’s who we are, how we live our lives and how we express our identities. As people and as a community, the activities that we take part in and the places that we visit define the culture of our district- whether it be a walk to the local park, a catch-up with a friend in a local coffee shop or getting creative in your regular art class.
“A strong cultural offer within a community can bring people together, create a sense of belonging and attract more visitors. We’re looking forward to understanding more about what that means to people and importantly, how everyone can access culture on their doorstep in the future.”
Cllr Chris Lloyd, Lead Member for Leisure, said “Three Rivers is an exciting place to live. We’re fortunate to have access to a wide range of parks and open spaces, leisure venues and activities, as well as local events run by groups and communities. We would like to learn more about how our residents access these opportunities. Their feedback can help shape a vision for culture in Three Rivers, so I encourage people to have their say.”
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