Council seeks more land for new Local Plan

Landowners are asked to suggest unused urban sites or greenfield sites to be considered by Three Rivers District Council for possible allocation of homes, infrastructure and commercial development.
The council is searching for previously developed land (brownfield sites), urban areas, or greenfield sites that could be included in its new Local Plan. The plan will guide development in the area to meet its future population and economic growth until 2041.
The council has decided to defer its submission of its plan to the government to later in the year whilst officers undertake a new review of sites.
Officers are now required to gather extra evidence of the effect developments could have on the green belt under the government’s new planning rules (National Planning Policy Framework), which would allow the council to submit a plan to protect more of the district's green belt. Officers advised the council that this is the only way for it to submit a plan for a housing number lower than the government’s proposed 13,303 figure for the area. A bid for government funding to assist with this work has been submitted.
Site owners are asked to put forward any sites they might think might be suitable for housing or commercial use. All the sites promoted to the local authority will be considered against planning polices to see if they might be acceptable.
As well as greenfield sites, such as agricultural land or pockets of amenity space, and brownfield sites, such as warehousing or builders’ yards, the council will also consider and review sites that are in the green belt.
Cllr Stephen Giles-Medhurst, Leader of Three Rivers District Council and Lead Member for the Local Plan, said: “Despite the government imposing an increased housing target, which we find unrealistic, we remain committed to prioritising brownfield sites so that we can protect our precious green belt from development.
“So far, only about 1,000 homes can be provided on previously developed land and that is why we must ensure we leave no stone unturned. If you own a piece of land that you would like to be considered for our Local Plan, please submit it.”
Potential sites should be submitted to us on a suitable map showing the boundary of the site in red, along with a completed Call for Sites Submission Form, downloadable at
The period for this renewed call for sites runs for four weeks, ending on Wednesday 19 February 2025.
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