Community internet scheme launched

Updated: 10 March 2011

A pilot internet scheme is being launched at three locations in the district using refurbished Council computers...

A pilot internet scheme has been launched at three locations in the district using refurbished Council computers.

Free internet and office applications are now available to use at Mill End Community Centre, Watersmeet and Watford MENCAP in Rickmansworth.

The pilot scheme will be available during normal opening hours and will act as a complement to the free-to-use scheme at Hertfordshire Libraries. Like the libraries, the sessions will be for one hour.

Residents are advised to check availability and book before going along.

The broadband connection is provided by the partner venues.

Watersmeet 01923 711063

MENCAP 01923 713620

Mill End Community Centre 01923 493344

The pilot scheme runs until 13 May and will continue if it is popular.  Sarratt Post Office is expected to join the scheme later in the spring.