Come see what the buzz is about at Leavesden HIVE

A huge community event at Leavesden Country Park is something for Three Rivers residents to be buzzing about next week.
Three Rivers District Council is set to host the HIVE Community Fair on Saturday, 24 June, which will host a wide range of fun-filled and engaging activities for all to enjoy.
There will be plenty to keep the kids busy, such as gymnastics, face-painting, and smoothie making to name but a few.
The aim of the event is to make vital services the council offers or supports more accessible and make residents aware of what support is out there.
The event will be an amazing opportunity for residents to deepen their trust in the services that support the most vulnerable members of our community. The council has highlighted different areas of need within the community and tailored the event accordingly.
Not only will representatives from the council be there to talk about health, emotional wellbeing, community safety, and leisure, but organisations, such as the Police & Fire services, NHS Oral Health Team, Prostate Cancer UK, Mission Employable, Citizens Advice Bureau, Coppafeel, Woodside Leisure Centre will be there as well.
Local support organisations such as Herts Help, Watford and Three Rivers Trust, YMCA, Peace Hospice Care, Leavesden family centre, and Watford FC Community Sports and Education Trust (S&E Trust) will also be there.
To round off an amazing event, there will also be a free raffle with prizes from Warner Bros, Ninja Warrior, Everyone Active, and Watford FC Community S&E Trust.
Cllr Steve Drury, Lead Member for Community Safety and Partnerships, said: “This is a great way to find out the essential services that Three Rivers District Council and other local organisations provide while having a great day out with the family.
“If you want to find out more about the services or just want to have some family fun – then come along to the HIVE. We will have lots of support and activities to keep you and the kids busy and engaged.”
The HIVE Community Fair will be held from 11am-3pm and will take place at the Leavesden HIVE, Leavesden, Abbots Langley, WD5 0NX.
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