Local Plan Sub-Committee - 25 July (Virtual) (7pm)
For a virtual/remote meeting to be held on Monday 25 July 2022 at 7pm.
Members of the Local Plan Sub-Committee:
Stephen Giles-Medhurst (Chair)
Matthew Bedford (Vice-Chair)
Stephen Cox
Rue Grewal
Philip Hearn
Sarah Nelmes
Reena Ranger
Jon Tankard
Phil Williams
Joanne Wagstaffe Chief Executive
15 July 2022
The meeting starts at 7pm and will be virtual/remote meeting in that it will be conducted at no specific location and all participants are at various locations, communicating via audio and online.
The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public to its discussion on Part 1 agenda items at sub-committee meetings. Contributions will be limited to one person speaking for and one against each item for not more than three minutes. Please note that in the event of registering your interest to speak on an agenda item but not taking up that right because the item is deferred, you will automatically be given the right to speak on that item at the next meeting of the Committee. Details of the procedure are provided below:
Members of the public wishing to speak will be entitled to register and identify which Part 1 report they wish to speak on from the published agenda for the remote meeting. Those who wish to register to speak must do so by notifying the Committee Team by e-mail at committeeteam@threerivers.gov.uk 48 hours before the meeting. The first 2 people to register (1 for and 1 against) will be sent a link so that they can join the meeting to exercise that right. This will also allow the Committee Team to prepare the speaker sheet in advance of the remote meeting to forward to the Chair of the meeting.
In accordance with The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 any matters considered under Part 1 business only of the meeting may be filmed, recorded, photographed, broadcast or reported via social media by any person.
Recording and reporting the Council's meetings is subject to the law and it is the responsibility of those doing the recording and reporting to ensure compliance. This will include the Human Rights Act, the Data Protection Act and the laws of libel and defamation.
Please note that the meeting is being held virtually. The Part I business of the meeting will be live streamed at:
To receive any apologies for absence.
22-06-06-lpscTo confirm as a correct record the Minutes of the Local Plan Sub-Committee meeting held on 6 June 2022.
Items of other business notified under Council Procedure Rule 30 to be announced, together with the special circumstances that justify their consideration as a matter of urgency. The Chairman to rule on the admission of such items.
To receive any declaration of interests.
5. LOCAL PLAN: Summary of Responses received to Part I of the Local Plan Regulation 18 Preferred Policy Options Consultation (June 2021)
This report provides a summary of the Part 1 responses received to the Draft Local Plan Regulation 18 Part 1: Preferred Policy Options consultation. In addition, it proposes changes to two of the preferred policy options contained within the document in response to stakeholders’ comments.
05-22-07-25-lpsc-part-1-report-25-07-2205i-22-07-25-lpsc-part-i-appendix-1-preferred-policies-option-105ii-22-07-25-lpsc-part-1-app2-preferred-policy-option-10-social-community-uses05iii-22-07-25-lpsc-part-1-appendix-3-summary-of-non-statutory-responses05iv-22-07-25-lpsc-part-1-appendix-4-summary-of-statutory-responses05v-22-07-25-lpsc-part-1-appendix-5-statatory-consultees-responses-full6. OTHER BUSINESS – If approved under item 3 above.
If the Sub-Committee wishes to consider the remaining items in private, it will be appropriate for a resolution to be passed in the following terms:-
“that under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item(s) of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined under Paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the Act. It has been decided by the Council that in all the circumstances, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.”
Presentation on newly submitted sites, amendments to existing sites and further evidence base work.
2. OTHER BUSINESS – If approved under item 3 above.
Any enquiries on the agenda please contact the Committee Team by email at Committeeteam@threerivers.gov.uk
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