C - Planning Appeals

Core documents for appeal APP/P1940/W/24/3346061 Parcel Of Land North Of Mansion House Farm, Bedmond Road, Abbots Langley

Appeal Administration

C1: Pre-Notification of Appeal (PDF)

C2: List of Plans and Docs Submitted as Part of the Original Submission (PDF)

C3: List of Plans and Docs Submitted (PDF)

C4: Appeal Form (PDF)

C5: Start Letter (PDF)

C6: LPA Appeal Questionnaire (PDF)

C7: CMC Agenda (PDF)

C8: Pre-CMC Note (PDF)

C9: CMC Summary Note (PDF)


C11: Appellant's Statement of Case (PDF)

C12: LPA Statement of Case (PDF)

C13: Third Party Appeal Representations (Compiled) (PDF, 5.7 MB) (updated 02/10/2024)

Statements of Common Ground

C14: Planning Statement of Common Ground - Final (PDF) (uploaded 07/10/2024)

C15: Landscape and Visual Statement of Common Ground (PDF)

C16: Need and Economic Benefits Statement of Common Ground (PDF)

C17: Green Belt Statement of Common Ground (document to follow)

Appellant and LPA Proofs of Evidence

C18 A: Proof of Evidence for the Appellant on Landscape and Visual Matters – Paul Harris (PDF)

C18 B: Summary of Proof of Evidence for the Appellant on Landscape and Visual Matters – Paul Harris(PDF) 

C19 A: Proof of Evidence for the Appellant on Economic Benefits – Stephen Nicol (PDF)

C19 B: Summary of Proof of Evidence for the Appellant on Economic Benefits – Stephen Nicol (PDF)

C20 A: Proof of Evidence for the Appellant on Date Centres – Ashley Collins (PDF)

C20 B: Summary of Proof of Evidence for the Appellant on Date Centres – Ashley Collins (PDF)

C21 A: Proof of Evidence for the Appellant on Planning Matters – David Hutchison (PDF, 2 MB)

C21 B: Summary of Proof of Evidence for the Appellant on Planning Matters – David Hutchison (PDF)

C22 A: Proof of Evidence for the LPA on Landscape and Visual Matters – Carly Tinkler (PDF, 9.3 MB)

C22 B: Summary of Proof of Evidence for the LPA on Landscape and Visual Matters – Carly Tinkler (PDF)

C23: Proof of Evidence for the LPA on Need – Christopher D Ford (PDF)

C24 A: Proof of Evidence for the LPA on Planning Matters – Martin Carpenter (PDF)

C24 B: Appendix 1 to Proof of Evidence for the LPA on Planning Matters – Martin Carpenter (PDF)


To be uploaded if required

Section 106 Agreement and Draft Conditions

C25: Draft Conditions with Inspector's Comments (PDF) (uploaded 07/10/2024)

C26: Unilateral Undertaking (PDF) (uploaded 08/10/2024)

CIL Compliance Statement

To be uploaded if required