Strategies and policies

Three Rivers District Council housing, homelessness and tenancy strategies

The Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy - 2023 - 2028 (PDF)  and Action Plan 2023-2028 (PDF) set out the key issues, challenges and priorities related to the delivery of housing-related services in the district over a five-year period.

The Housing Allocations Policy (PDF) details how we allocate social and affordable housing within Three Rivers District. We assess all applications to the housing register against this policy.

The Temporary Accommodation Placement Policy (PDF) sets out how we place customers in temporary accommodation within and beyond Three Rivers District.

The Private Rented Sector Offer Policy (PDF) describes the circumstances in which we will make a private rented offer to a homeless household, what factors we take into consideration when assessing the suitability of an offer and what steps a customer can take if they do not agree with our offer.

The Housing Assistance Policy (PDF) sets out how we will provide financial  assistance to enable residents to remain independent in their homes, for as  long as possible, through disabled adaptations.