Report animal noise

Advice on how to document and report nuisance animal noise

If you are affected by an animal noise nuisance, you should first try to resolve the problem directly with the owner of the animal. In many cases, they may simply be unaware of the problem.

If you are still experiencing a problem, you can report it to us. We only deal with animal noise that is a statutory nuisance, which is determined by the frequency and duration of the noise. We do not deal with noise complaints related to one-off incidents.

After you report animal noise to us, you must  fill in a noise nuisance diary (docx) that details:

  • the dates on which the animal made the noise
  • the times the noise started and finished
  • details of what happened, such as what you saw, heard and how it affected you

You can use  The Noise App to make audio recordings of incidents of noise to support your report.

We cannot investigate a noise nuisance report without the return of completed diary sheets within the required 21 day timescale.

After receiving your completed diary sheets, they will be assessed in line with statutory nuisance criteria. We will contact the person to let them know a complaint has been made about them and liaise with them to attempt to resolve the situation amicably.

If no improvements are made, further investigations will be carried out, which may include visits to assess the noise or installing noise monitoring equipment.

Please ensure you read the investigation process before completing the noise report:

Animal noise - investigation processReport animal noise