Three Rivers agrees to work with neighbours to manage growth

Updated: 23 March 2020

Three Rivers District Council has formally signed an agreement with other councils in Hertfordshire, committing to managing growth in the county together with residents and businesses.

Three Rivers District Council has formally signed an agreement with other councils in Hertfordshire, committing to managing growth in the county together with residents and businesses.

The Hertfordshire Growth Board is made up of Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership and 11 councils. Its main aim is to respond to key challenges facing the county of new homes, jobs  and infrastructure over the coming years. The organisations have been working together since 2018, providing leadership and governance, and are the single point-of-contact for central government over funding opportunities in the future.

Sara Bedford, Leader of the Council, said: “Three Rivers will continue to work with its partners on the infrastructure, skills and employment, enterprise and innovation we need to secure a better future for our residents and businesses across Hertfordshire.

“The Hertfordshire population is expected to rise by up to 175,000 by 2031, with at 100,000 new homes and an equal number of new jobs to be created over the same period. We need to work together to provide the necessary infrastructure to support a thriving economy, including affordable housing, a sustainable transport network, schools and healthcare facilities.

Picture courtesy of Chris Sharp Photography: