Replacement Facility at the Aquadrome for the use of the Bury Lake Young Mariners (BLYM)

Updated: 25 April 2018

An agreement has recently been signed off between the Council and BLYM for the replacement of a Club House (wet side) and Boat House.

An agreement has recently been signed off between the Council and BLYM for the replacement of a Club House (wet side) and Boat House.

The Council will contribute up to £1,000,000 (interest free) towards the scheme via a loan to BLYM, which will be paid back over 50 years, the same length as the new lease.  Sport England are also funding the project and the remainder of the funds will be met from BLYM.  Assuming the agreement between BLYM and their construction contractor will be shortly signed off then works are expected to commence in the second half of  May and after the Canal Festival.

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