Have your say on plans that will help shape the future of these two areas

A six-week public consultation on important planning documents that will help shape future developments in two areas has begun.
The draft Batchworth Neighbourhood Plan was produced by Batchworth Community Council and local residents in order to create policies that can help shape what the area will look like and support future growth.
Neighbourhood plans allow communities to develop a shared vision for their specific areas, giving more control over the type, location, size and design of development.
The Sarratt Neighbourhood Plan went out for public consultation last year, but the examiner asked Sarratt Parish Council to amend the supporting documentation and to reconsult.
Batchworth and Sarratt residents wanting to have their say have until 5pm Monday 2 September 2024 on both consultations. Click here to submit your comments on the Batchworth consultation and here for the Sarratt survey.
Once the consultation is completed, the draft plan will be submitted to an independent examiner to see if it meets the basic conditions and suggest any changes.
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