Sustainable schools

Sustainable Schools - school curriculum project ideas

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  • Ask students to create art during their art class! This could be a 3D sculpture or 2D picture.
  • If they would like to use waste to create the art, try to prioritise using materials which cannot be recycled or reused, or construct it in a way it can be destructed to be recycled or reused (for example not gluing/putting glitter on otherwise recyclable cardboard).
  • To give them more focus, they could agree on a topic such as ‘Ocean Plastics’, ‘Landfill’, ‘Litter’, ‘Plastic World’ or have free reign to make something which demonstrates the issues of climate change and sustainability to them.
  • You could arrange for them to be displayed in a school hall for class groups to go and see all the artwork from other year groups, and COVID and time dependant you could even open it to parents one evening!
  • Find out what happens to your food waste in Three Rivers (video)
  • How does your recycling get separated? (video
  • You can watch a recording of a Webinar by WasteAware taking a closer look at what’s in our bins, where it comes from, and what happens to it.