Councillor conduct

Three Rivers District Council has adopted a code of conduct for its Members that sets out rules governing their behaviour.

In this section

Councillor code of conduct

The Council approved a revision to its Member code of conduct in relation to the recording of private meetings at its meeting on Tuesday 20 February 2024.

The revised code means Members should not, or encourage others to, openly or covertly electronically record video and/or audio of private meetings, private video calls, and private telephone calls, including those with Council Officers, without prior consent of those in attendance.

The revision can be seen under 1. Respect on page 5.

Our Councillor Code of Conduct (PDF), made under the Localism Act 2011, sets out the rules governing the behaviour of councillors (collectively referred to as ‘Members’). The Code is based on The Seven Principles of Public Life, which are:

  • Selflessness
  • Integrity
  • Objectivity
  • Accountability
  • Openness
  • Honesty
  • Leadership

Based on these principles, councillors agree to, on all occasions:

  • act with integrity and honesty
  • act lawfully
  • treat all persons fairly and with respect
  • lead by example and act in a way that secures public confidence in the role of councillor.

In undertaking their role, councillors also agree to:

  • impartially exercise their responsibilities in the interests of the local community
  • not improperly seek to confer an advantage, or disadvantage, on any person
  • avoid conflicts of interest
  • exercise reasonable care and diligence
  • ensure that public resources are used prudently