Planning Appeals

Information on planning appeals being dealt with by way of a public inquiry

Please see below information of any planning appeals being dealt with by way of a public inquiry, including details of the event and a link to the documents forming part of the appeal.

Sarratt Appeals

A public inquiry into the appeals listed below opened on 6 September 2023 and closed on 24 November 2023. The Planning Inspectorate will make and publish their decision in due course. The decision will be made available on the council's website and the Planning Inspectorate will also publish on their website. To find the decision on the Inspectorate's website, please search for the last 7 digits of the Inspectorate Reference at

Appeal A:
Outline application: Erection of up to 83 new dwellings and a new Doctors Surgery with vehicular access onto Sarratt Road (Appearance, Layout, Landscaping and Scale as reserved matters)
Inspectorate Reference: APP/P1940/W/22/3311477
TRDC Planning Application Reference: 22/0601/OUT
TRDC Appeal Reference: 22/0047/REF

Appeal B:
LAND ADJACENT TO 97 CHURCH LANE, SARRATT - Outline application: Erection of up to 9 new homes, associated access, parking and landscaping (Appearance, Layout, Landscaping and Scale as reserved matters)
Inspectorate Reference: APP/P1940/W/22/3311479
TRDC Planning Application Reference: 22/0602/OUT
TRDC Appeal Reference: 22/0048/REF

The documents associated with the appeal are available here

If you require any further information please contact the Development Management Team:
Phone: 01923 776611